It has been a while since my last post so I have some catching up to do. Colton is one month! It's hard to believe how fast time flies and how much he has changed since he was born. Some of the funny things he does is, he won't sleep anywhere but his swing unless it is in a dark room. It is great at night because I feed him, change him and then lay him down and he goes to sleep, but try that during the day, no way! He likes to stick his tongue out and when he gets excited he breathes really fast and throws his arms out. He is getting really good at holding his head up and he likes to watch people walk around if he is in his bouncer. We just love watching him grow!
He Loves to sleep in his swing wrapped up super tight!
Today was his baby blessing. He was blessed by his dad at our ward house surrounded by lots of family. His grandmas and great grandmas sure love him! Will and I
Grandma Cotner
Great Grandpa Leon and Great Grandma Diana
We have had some exciting things happen around the house too! We are almost done with the kitchen face lift. It looks 100 times better than it did before. Unfortunately I don't think I have any before pictures but here is an after pictures. You can see we still have a little work to do but it is coming along!
On Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, our main water line broke! It is really hard to be in a house that has no water!! Luckily we have an awesome ward and a neighbor who has a backhoe that came and dug up the front yard for us and helped us replace the line. We had water back on the same day! We couldn't have done it within his help!! He are some of the pictures of the massive hole in the front yard.
Thanks for including Ada and I in all the fun. Colton is growing so fast! And he is so adorable. Cherish each memory cause man they grow way to fast! Love you guys!
I think that's the most I've seen Colton's eyes open. He is so cute!
Adorable! He looks exactly like daddy! Love and miss you guys! =)
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